Felting WorkshopWe often forget that learning in a classroom with the support of a teacher is only one way to learn, but we have so many more opportunities to learn new skills and experiences. Books, talking to experts, having a go, sharing ideas and mistakes and the internet are all great ways to learn. The Internet used safely and wisely and in particular video tutorials on YouTube are fantastic ways to learn something new from people all over the world. We have married an old technology, felt making with a new technology, the internet to give you a taste of learning beyond the classroom. Families learnt from the video below how to make felt using the technique of wet felting. From felt squares they created flowers for hair bands, drinks coasters, key rings, handbag tags and any other items their creative minds could come up with. Felting instructions video A felting installation was made for East Wichel School by children and their families |
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