Introductory Workshop and School AssemblyThese workshops are run with children drawn from across the school to gain the attitudes of the children towards learning. They address the questions of what, why, how, when and where do we learn through a series of guided activities. The creativity of the younger children towards how they learn is an inspiration to the older children who perhaps have become conditioned in the more traditional ways of learning. Having discovered some of the answers for themselves they present, with the help of myself, a whole school assembly on learning. Children, as well as parents who attend, are asked to think about learning and what it means to them. They are encouraged to write their ideas down and share them with others by adding them as affirmations to the learning tree. The idea of the workshop and assembly is to enable children and parents to begin to appreciate that there is no magic to learning and that we are all born with an infinite capacity to learn. By taking responsibility in recognising and developing their own individual learning everyone can make learning an enjoyable life long habit. Funding from the Local Learning Partnership has now been secured to develop The Learning Tree Workshop and Assembly further and to deliver in six primary schools within North Wiltshire and Kennet. During March KS2 pupils from Redlands school participated in a learning to learn workshop and shared what they discovered with parents and fellow pupils at a whole school assembly. Their knowledge and thoughts about learning were displayed on the learning tree. Parents were encouraged to see their primary school as a learning resource for themselves as well as their children. Wiltshire College are now in the process of establishing Redlands as an IT learning centre for parents to develop their IT skills. |
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