A Day of Creativity 13th October 2001 - Summary Report'A day of Creativity' was a joint venture between St. Peter's Primary School and North Wiltshire and Kennet Local Learning Partnership. The aim of the day was to offer families a shared learning experience during National Family Learning Weekend, promote lifelong learning and to promote the work of the partnership. ImplementationThe project was managed by Sue Smith. Marketing and administrative support was provided by Maggie Giddings of the Partnership. The day was marketed to the 10 primary schools in Chippenham through a personalised letter to Heads, an article in school newsletters and a letter home to each family with a child at primary school. A press release was distributed to the Campaign for Learning Website, 'This is Wiltshire Website', local newspapers and BBC Wiltshire Radio. Posters were put up in every Chippenham School and throughout the town. Word of mouth was used extensively. Heads were also encouraged to participate through their regular cluster group meeting. Marketing material to use on the day was prepared and comprised a plastic bag, a pen, a bug, a balloon and LLP literature. All materials sported the NW&K LLP name, colours or logo. The day was structured as a series of workshops repeated throughout the day enabling families to choose to participate in one workshop to a maximum of four. Workshops covered mosaics, music, reading and IT, and Science and Technology. A fifth workshop covering enhanced learning was also offered. In addition information was offered on supporting children in their learning and learning opportunities for adults in Wiltshire. Data relating to participants was captured using a 'Family passport' that was then entered into a prize draw. A sessional crèche was available. EvaluationThe most effective marketing was targeted at the schools and in particular St. Peter's school where word of mouth was very evident and children were also told of the event at an assembly. ![]() The media coverage was effective in that it promoted the Local Partnership and established contacts with local media that can now be built upon. The publicity material was very effective helping to give the Partnership a professional corporate image. These results indicate that the most effective marketing is face to face. Future events need to be marketed at every school using the same approach as that used at St. Peter's - Assembly and word of mouth through PTA and playground networks. Breakdown of adults attending day.
65% of adults participating were females. It could be argued that the age group targeted and the nature of the activities were more attractive to women. However the amount of males participating was encouraging. Many families participated in a morning workshop and then returned in the afternoon with a different adult member such as 'Dad' to participate in another workshop. Educational stages of children attending Day of Creativity.Children participating were predominantly from Key Stage 1 ages 4-7. Families with children of this age group tend to participate in activities together more than older children. When children are older there need for independence and their parent's commitments change. A different approach needs to be taken to attract the upper end of the key stage 2 age group. However it was encouraging that more boys than girls attended the workshops. These results indicate that this type of event would be successful in targeting mothers who were considering returning to work or wanting to improve their basic skills. Therefore information and expertise on relevant courses and childcare provision should be available at such an event. Take up of WorkshopsThe popularity of the mosaic workshop resulted in generating a list of adults who were prepared to pay to participate in a subsequent adult's mosaic workshop. The technology workshop relating to cars was also really popular particularly amongst men and boys. Interest for the workshop on enhanced learning was high during the afternoon. However this workshop needs to be presented in a more interactive way to compete with the popularity of the more practical workshops. Data CaptureThe concept of a family passport was very effective in capturing data relating to family members. 120 people participated in the day and a database has now been created providing addresses, telephone numbers, emails, family composition and interest in family learning. Future Developments
DisseminationThis summary report is to be disseminated to all NW&KLLP members, Heads of Chippenham Primary schools and the Campaign for Learning. |
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